Building a Winter Emergency Kit for Your Car

When misfortune strikes and your vehicle breaks down in the middle of a British Columbia winter, it won’t likely happen in a dry, well-lit place with perfect cell-phone coverage; so best to be prepared. Yes, you may have a few supplies stashed in your vehicle in case of emergency. Kudos to you if your vehicle has comprehensive insurance, plus a roadside assistance membership. However, having a well-stocked emergency kit is an essential for any driver, especially in the wintertime. In
Car goes on Ice fall road at Abbotsford BC

When a Tree Falls, Will My Home Insurance Cover It?

Many of BC’s Lower Mainland residents were taken by surprise this week with unseasonably high winds, thunder, hail, and even snow. If Mother Nature’s outburst has left you wondering what to do with a fallen tree, and hoping your insurance policy will cover related costs, we’re here to help you navigate a few common scenarios. A tree falling is absolutely an unsettling experience (especially if it has landed on your house), but rest assured that many situations are covered by
The tree fallen on the house at Abbotsford BC

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