
Earthquakes are a natural disaster that can’t be avoided. But, there are things you can do to prepare for one. Besides practicing your “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” routine, you should seriously consider packing an earthquake survival kit – if you don’t already have one. The Importance of an Earthquake Survival Kit An earthquake can…

If you have auto insurance in B.C., you should know that ICBC is changing its insurance model. To better support the recovery of those injured in car crashes, ICBC is shifting its priority to improved care for its injured customers. As a result, it’s increasing its Accident Benefits on April 1, 2019. Here’s what you…

Hello, 2019! The New Year brings fresh beginnings and the chance to once again make that New Year’s resolution list. If you’re still mulling over your 2019 New Year’s resolutions, don’t worry. We’ve got four New Year’s resolutions that everyone should put on their list in 2019. 1. Plan a Vacation Most Canadians get at…

It’s that time of year again. Time to hang those lights, dust off those ornaments, and wait for the snow to fall. While the winter holidays are a joyous time of year, they also come with hazards and risks. Don’t fall victim to these holiday home hazards, and follow these holiday home safety tips instead.…

If you love the thrill of getting a good bargain, then brace yourself for Black Friday. On this popular shopping day, you’ll find colossal deals and hordes of hungry shoppers. But, lurking in in the background are criminals looking to take advantage of eager and unsuspecting shoppers. For a safe and stress-free shopping experience, arm…