Summer Travel Essentials

Be Sure These Summer Travel Essentials Are on Your List

Nothing squashes a relaxing start to your summer holiday quite like realizing midnight or ferry ride that you’ve forgotten a travel essential like a charger or an important prescription. We’ve all been there – here’s to anyone who’s ever packed a dozen pairs of underwear, but absolutely zero socks (!)

Yes, when a much-needed vacation finally rolls around, you might be extra prone to distraction. Don’t dismay if scrambling to deal with forgotten belongings sounds all too familiar. We’ve got you covered whether you’re planning for a weekend getaway, or a month-long adventure this summer. Here’s what we suggest you plan for:

Logical Luggage

Set yourself up for success and start with the best luggage you can. This might mean a carry-on, using a versatile backpack with wheels, or finding the perfect satchel. If you do a lot of air travel, upgrade to rolling luggage with four wheels so you can move in all directions and make it to Gates E 67-99 that much faster. Whatever luggage you choose, repair or retire anything with a busted strap, zipper, or wheel. You’ll thank yourself for the extra time by the poolside or sightseeing instead of wrestling with your luggage.

Embrace Organizers

Packing cubes and compression bags are your new best friends, especially if you plan to do many activities that call for a wardrobe change. Move effortlessly from snorkeling to dinnertime by packing swimsuits in one container, and a few wrinkle-resistant out ts in another. It’s so much easier to make sure you’ve packed everything you need when you can see it all at a glance.

Man Writing in Paper


Get all your necessities together in a clear ziplock bag or a pouch with a spill-proof zipper (to stop your shampoo from seeping into your electronics when your luggage gets jostled). Here’s are the basics for your kit:

◻ Toothbrush
◻ Toothpaste
◻ Dental floss
◻ Mouthwash
◻ Hairbrush
◻ Hair ties and bobby pins
◻ All-in-one biodegradable soap
◻ Deodorant
◻ SPF Sunscreen and lip balm
◻ Makeup remover towelettes
◻ Cotton swabs
◻ Moisturizer
◻ Feminine hygiene products
◻ Contact lenses, solution, and case
◻ Labeled prescription medications
◻ Cologne/perfume
◻ Compact mirror
◻ Razors/shaving cream
◻ Stain remover
◻ Tissues
◻ Scissors, nail clippers, and tweezers (in your checked bag)

Toiletries list for your summer trip

Versatile Clothing

Rather than pack every possible out t, opt for items to layer. You can also take your style from day to evening simply by accessorizing. Here are some staples to include:

◻ Sweater or pullover
◻ T-shirts
◻ Tank tops
◻ Shorts and wrinkle-resistant pants
◻ Belt
◻ Socks
◻ Comfortable walking shoes
◻ Sandals
◻ Rain jacket, windbreaker or umbrella
◻ Sleepwear
◻ Underwear
◻ Sunglasses
◻ Wrinkle-resistant dress or skirt
◻ Hat
◻ Bandana/scarf
◻ Swimwear

Healthy = Happy

Determine whether you need any travel vaccinations, and make sure to bring at least a mini-first aid kit, as well as:

◻ Prescriptions (kept in your carry-on)
◻ Pain relievers
◻ Anti-diarrhea/laxative/heartburn formulas
◻ Antihistamines/allergy medication
◻ Vitamins
◻ Sunscreen
◻ Insect repellent
◻ Wet wipes

Final countdown list for your summer trip!

Final Countdown

As you make ready, check that your home is ready for your absence, and then tick these last things off your list:

◻ Wallet and ID
◻ Travel documents
◻ Cash
◻ Pen and notepad
◻ Reusable water bottle
◻ Electronics and chargers/batteries
◻ Adapters
◻ Translation/navigation apps
◻ Headphones
◻ Travel pillow
◻ Beach towel
◻ Eyemask
◻ Earplugs
◻ Reading material


Don’t forget to bookmark this page for future reference. From all of us at Johnston Meier Insurance Group, we wish you safe travels!

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